Saturday, January 12, 2008

DMX Ordered to pay $1.5 Million

Remember back in September '06 when DMX gave that interview to Jamie Foster Brown of Sister 2 Sister magazine and Jamie asked 'X about a son he has outside his marriage in D.C. and DMX told Jaime that, yes he did have a kid, but that the girl raped him on a one night stand, and then the girl got mad and sued him for slander? Well, DMX didn't bother to show up for the court date so the baby mama from D. C. won a default judgment of $1.5 Million dollars. Accused rapist Monique Wayne told reporters, "It's not so much the price, it's the point I wanted to get across. Let him think about what he's going to say before he says it." When reporters asked Monique if X contributes to the welfare of their child, she replied, "I'm a single parent, as far as I'm concerned." Quizzed further on how she expected to collect on the debt, Monique replied that she plans to attack DMX's lines of income and attach his wages and royalties, "just like the IRS."